Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Friday!

I think today's post will be a simple and sweet one that will hopefully bring a smile to your face. I know my boys would squeal with delight if greeted by this cheery little breakfast, maybe soon my loves.
and let's hope some new geo earrings will bring some extra happiness to our winner..... Jacqui!thanks to all who entered and don't worry i'll have another giveaway soon enough ; )

and one more happy..... a very HAPPY birthday to my darling friend Jane! may your day be filled with laughter & love.

via sass & bides blog

Thursday, April 28, 2011

i heart sass & bide

sass & bide...

you have my heart....

going pitter-patter...

with your zigs & zags...

& horizontal stripes...

your bleached, dyed & blotted designs,

and of course your tribal prints. xoxo

* this is the last day to enter the giveaway, you know you want them ; )

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

DIY Day!

pretty pom poms via honestly WTF

mobile photo via balluns blog

the inspiration came from the artfully simple blog balluns but it was just a photo of a mobile she made for her baby(sweet), no diy instructions. but i imagine you can use an embroidery hoop and then embellish it with some colorful string or tape or even a little paint and then hang any origami shape you please. any of these would be lovely: butterfly, omega star, elephant, balloon(my friend made 100 of these and hung them from her ceiling!), leaves crane, or even the pom poms above!

ps ~ don't forget to enter the giveaway by this friday ; )

simple pattern circle scarf via green eyed monster

and here's how to make the circle scarf via green eyed monster, of course!

the art of furoshiki via the ministry of the environment government of Japan

sweet peep smores, this one should be easy ; ) via poppytalk

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a merry mishap giveaway and Q & A!

hurray, for the first ever giveaway and Q & A! and i couldn't have been more lucky than to have a merry mishap be my first.

jennifer from a merry mishap is a multi-talented artist, curator of a lovely blog & equally lovely etsy shop, wife and proud mama of an adorable little guy. oh and she's just an all around cool gal to boot!


Q ~  do you consider yourself a jeweler, artist, designer, crafter, or all of the above?
A ~  I've never thought of myself as a jeweler, that's the funny part!
it just sort of happened this way. I used to be so put off at the idea of making jewelry, all the little pieces of metal and fasteners was enough to make me avoid it altogether.
Initially I wanted to try this geometric shape with polymer clay, something I've worked with before, and if it turned out nice. The response to my blog post about them was so positive that I decided to keep it going, as long as people are still responding to them.
I suppose I would consider myself a curator or an artist. I've spent several years taking art related courses and my husband is an illustrator so it's a passion we both share. If you understand good design, or love to create it, it's easy to appreciate it in all forms, interiors, architecture, fashion or craft.
Q ~ any inside scoop on what you're working on next?
A ~ Right now I'm just trying to keep up with orders. I want to keep the shop simple, not boring, but manageable. I'd like to do one thing really well rather than to spread myself thin. That said, I made this charm bracelet last week and I'd like to try making some more!
Q ~ any advice on how to balance home life with work life? being a mama is a ton of work and on top of that you are running a blog and a shop, how do you find time to do it all and are you left with any time for yourself?
 A ~ I'm no expert at balancing my different responsibilities, sometimes things are neglected. I do prioritize and my son and husband come first. I usually try to get up before my son to answer emails or relist items, publish a blog post. Once Israel is awake, I stay away from the computer, I don't want him to have the back of my head memorized! Then I utilize nap and evenings to finish up my web stuff.
I also try to involve Israel in the house cleaning, and he loves it! This morning we organized the bathroom cabinets and I had him put all of my nail polish bottles in a box for me while I emptied the trash and sorted beauty products. He also likes to hold the dust pan while I sweep, it's this one from ikea, so he's able to stay out of the dust and still feel like he's helping.
And if life ever gets too hectic, I call my mom to babysit!

~ thank you so much a merry mishap for being my first and for the lovely geo earrings in the giveaway! aren't they perfect for spring!
to enter to win the grass green geo earrings (first pic) just leave a comment and i'll pick a lucky winner (at random) on friday, best of luck!
all photos with white background are via a merry mishap.

my special order geo gems! yeah, she does special orders too!

Monday, April 25, 2011

tweet tweet

Spring is in the air........ finally! we had such lovely weather this weekend(for the most part), hope you got some too. the plants are emerging from their winter beds and the birds were chirping their hello to Spring, oh how it made working in the garden all the more enjoyable and relaxing.
Why not welcome the fauna to your lovely garden with these swank birdhouses and feeders.

Pssst.... i'll be having my first giveaway tomorrow, don't forget to come back and enter ; )

Studio Liscious

Mac P design

Pigeon Toe Ceramics


Friday, April 22, 2011

house C

hiroshi nakamura and NAP architects designed this idyllic modern green roof home off the shores of Minamiboso Japan. I truly hope that it was left unharmed by the wake of the Tsunami.
via designboom

Happy Earth Day! may it be a part of your everyday.